

LAST Monday was Class Day at Brown.

THE 'Varsity was coached Monday by Mr. Watson.

FOUR men from '83 took highest Second-Year Honors.

OUR Freshmen made a wonderful showing in their last ball game.

MR. J. M. BURCH has been elected captain of the '83 class crew.


THE Echo's editorial on the negligence of janitors is very sensible and timely.

OFFICERS of Pierian Sodality for 1881-82: President, A. E. Miles, '82; Vice-President, C. B. Perkins, '83; Secretary, M. Loeb, '83; Conductor, E. P. Merritt, '82.

MR. FIRMAN, '82, has accepted a flattering position upon a New York daily. Though he will reside out of Cambridge next year, he will retain his connection with the class.


O YALE, athwart thy venerable towers

The summer sunlight shimmers through the leaves,

And all day long throughout the lazy hours

The noble elms are shadowing thine eaves, -

Chase from thy brow the lurid frown that lowers!

A few days more, and Smintheus sadly leaves

Columbia's halls and hypothetic bowers: -

To go unblessed by thee, his pensive spirit grieves.

There was a time, not many years ago,

When you stood forth in all your pride and pork,

Wagging your head, censorious, to and fro;

And, lofty as some literary stork,

You styled Columbia, "Ah-don't you know-

A minor institution in New York."

You never do so now; methinks you show

You've learned 'tis wise to drop such terrorizing talk!

Yet if, at times, I've made a verbal spurt,

Piercing with pen your queer conceit's cuirass,-

Great Heavens! what an avalanche of dirt

You've hurled upon me in a single mass!

From the great Lit, which seemed supremely hurt

And made allusions to my "front of brass,"

And the Courant, which dubbed me, short and curt,

The consummation of a perfect ass,"

Down to the News, that literary squirt,

And Bumley's breezy bray that filled the world with gas.

Well, well! It's over, and my ink runs low.

Here Smintheus drops his ancient war-worn name,

Breaks his weird pen, forbids the ink to flow. -

No more to seek for journalistic fame

(The phantom fame that college papers know);

And if your anger is no lasting flame,

Let us shake hands, Old Yale, before I go,

And own in all our strifes that we were both to blame!

Some day, Old Yale, we'll form a pleasant party

At Temple Bar in Alma Mater's arms;

And, lighting pipes provided by McCarthy,

We'll call a truce and end our strife's alarms,

Wash down a rarebit cooked by Moriarty

With Traeger's brew, that balmiest of balms,

And sing Lang Syne in chorus strong and hearty,

Till stately Deik is raised from T - 's charms!

Shake hands once more, ere Smintheus skips from sight,

And from your fences let your offspring yell!

If you are weary of the four years' fight,

And care no more to linger in the mell,

We'll hide the hatchet of our ancient spite

And o'er it toll an everlasting knell.

Twine with your blue Columbia's blue and white-

Quod fausta sis, Old Yale! Shake hands once more,-


SMINTHEUS.THE flags for the Junior Crew have come.

THE Columbia Spectator calls the Echo a newsy little paper.

IT is said that the Columbia Freshmen are rowing in excellent form.

THE New York Herald of last week contained a very ill-considered article upon the Crew.

CLERGYMAN: No, my dear, it is impossible to preach any kind of a sermon to such a congregation of asses.

SMART YOUNG LADY: And is that why you called them dearly beloved brethren?- Columbia Spectator.

PIOUS.SHE'S a dear little Sunday-school teacher,

And practises just what she's taught;

She conforms to her words all her actions,

And treats every man as she ought.

She's so pious that e'en on the street

Should you meet her, you'll clearly discern it;

For should you by chance drop a smile,

She'll piously take, and return it.

PROFESSOR SUMNER of Yale is in favor of an Annex.

THE Cornell Glee Club will give a Commencement Concert in Ithaca.

"IN THE MESHES," the story that recently appeared in the Lampoon, is for sale at Sever's.

To accommodate the departments of Physics and Chemistry, a new building is to be erected at Cornell.

THE Freshman game is to be continued in the fall as soon as the Yale men have become sufficiently rested.

THE examination in Physics 3 was different from any that has been given for years. Many were surprised and disgusted.

Per aspera ad astra may do all well enough under ordinary circumstances, but at this season of the year per cents ad infinitum is what the average undergraduate most yearns for.

THE Lampoon says that Jarvis Field has become a bake-shop since some fielders have turned their attention to muffin rolls. Lampy must recollect that flies are troublesome.
