LAST Monday was Class Day at Brown.
THE 'Varsity was coached Monday by Mr. Watson.
FOUR men from '83 took highest Second-Year Honors.
OUR Freshmen made a wonderful showing in their last ball game.
MR. J. M. BURCH has been elected captain of the '83 class crew.
THE Echo's editorial on the negligence of janitors is very sensible and timely.
OFFICERS of Pierian Sodality for 1881-82: President, A. E. Miles, '82; Vice-President, C. B. Perkins, '83; Secretary, M. Loeb, '83; Conductor, E. P. Merritt, '82.
MR. FIRMAN, '82, has accepted a flattering position upon a New York daily. Though he will reside out of Cambridge next year, he will retain his connection with the class.
O YALE, athwart thy venerable towers
The summer sunlight shimmers through the leaves,
And all day long throughout the lazy hours
The noble elms are shadowing thine eaves, -
Chase from thy brow the lurid frown that lowers!
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Class of '91.