THRO' August heats I climb the hill
Swept by the east wind free;
And far below me, pale and still
As moonlight, lies the sea.
Northward, upon its farthest rim
The Isles of Shoals peer thro' the dim
And hazy sky that bathes around
The far horizon's utmost bound;
And, nearer, gleams old Newburyport's enchanted ground, -
White dots against a woody headland grim.
Westward, and seeming as it rode
On hollowing billows green,
Is Ipswich; many a quaint abode
Thro' bending trees half seen,
With jutting wall and roof's long sweep,
In shade-fleckt grasses ankle-deep -
Old bridge of stone and winding street
Are there : and ever fresh and sweet
The travell'd winds from sea returning stop to greet
With drowsy murmur of leaves its realms of sleep.
And, bending east, from many a hill,
O'er swarthy knolls and fields,
The sheer Cape angrily plunges till
To the broad sea it yields.
And all before me lies that sea,
Its fulness and its mystery,
The undream'd silence that enfolds
Whatever thoughts its bosom holds,
Whatever depths of feeling hide 'neath its blue wolds.
Its secret yet is unreveal'd to me.
Above my head the swallows skim,
Now wheeling, hovering near,
Now dipping to the sea's wide brim
Skyward to disappear.
The plover's distant call upsweep
With the soft whistle of the peep,
I hear, and thro' the calm air shrill
The curlew of the sickle bill;
The kingbird and the woodpecker together thrill
Harsh notes by distance blent to music deep.
O sea, how dear a friend thou art!
For, lying here, the pain
That eats like poison thro' the heart
Seems almost joy again!
Like echoes from the days of yore
I hear the surge break on the shore,
Shower'd diamond in the sun, with sound
That wraps my musing brain around
In some sweet robe of blessing hitherto unfound, -
A kindlier rest than ever known before.
And if I might for ever wait
In dreams of peace by thee,
I should be blest beyond all fate
To gainsay it, O sea!
And calm as yonder passing sail
That dips below the sightless pale
Of thy gray waters, life would pass
To broader levels, that the glass
Of thought could never bound to longing soul. . . Alas!
That life's dear dream's fulfilment so should fail!
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Class of '91.