ON account of the success of the Nine up to the time of last Saturday's game, the crowd that was assembled on Jarvis, to witness the match with Yale, far exceeded any attendance ever known. The Nine cannot complain of lack of support on that occasion. We hope that this same interest will be taken in all future games, and especially the next game with Yale. Notwithstanding the poor playing exhibited by Yale last Saturday, there is no doubt that her nine is a strong one. The next game with Yale is to be at New Haven on the 28th of this month. It will be much harder for the Nine to win that game than any it has played this year; and on this account it needs the support of the College more than ever. We understand that the managers have placed a book at Bartlett's, in which all those who can possibly go down to New Haven on the 28th are requested to sign their names. If a sufficient number signify their intention of going, arrangements will be made for reduced rates and a special train which will leave for New Haven on the morning of the 28th and return immediately after the game. We do not see why two hundred cannot back up the Nine at New Haven, and we earnestly urge all to make every effort to support Harvard on the 28th. There has been much more interest manifested in the Nine this year than last, and this is unquestionably the secret of its success. The season, however, is but half over, and the hardest games have yet to be played. We sincerely hope that the Nine will win the championship, but if not so fortunate, we do not wish it to be on account of a lack of interest or support on the part of the College.
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The Ninety-One Nine.