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AS the Elective Pamphlet will soon be issued, we desire to call attention to a somewhat remarkable deficiency. On looking through the pages of this well-known periodical, we find a great number of courses in languages and various departments of science, but none in that most fascinating and grandest of all sciences, Astronomy. A man may get a little Astronomy in Phys. I, and something of the mathematics of the subject in Math. I, but this is very unsatisfactory, - as if we could learn Geology only by supplementing Chem. 2 with a course of applied excavation at the Bussey Institution. These courses together amount to some five hours a week, of which not one-half is given to Astronomy; so that a student's devotion must be great to impel him to pursue science under such difficulties. It may be said that opportunity for those who wish to make a specialty of the subject is given at the Observatory; but this seems to us insufficient. We are sure that many who do not care to go through a long course of special training would like to gain some knowledge of this subject. We see no more reason why knowledge of Astronomy should be limited to specialists than that of Chemistry or Freshman Analytics. We ask that a course in Astronomy may be offered in the next Elective Pamphlet, and think that, with such an Observatory and corps of instructors at its command, the University can have little difficulty in granting the request.
