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A RECENT writer in the Saturday Evening Gazette of March 26 last, with the usual spirit of fair play which characterizes the attitude of most of the Boston papers toward Harvard, took occasion to make some mean-spirited and untruthful insinuations in regard to the conduct of the '83 crew, when, a couple of weeks ago, a woman fell overboard from a bridge under which the crew had just passed. The crew naturally turned their boat as soon as possible, and hastened to the rescue, arriving in time to be of very material service to a man who had put out from the bank to the woman's assistance, in getting her ashore. The writer of the above-mentioned article playfully insinuates that the crew merely lay on their oars and amused themselves by watching the woman's frantic struggles in the water, without going to her aid; and he ends up his article by some ill-chosen pleasantry in regard to the sparring at our last winter meetings. If the Gazette desires to allow people to air their ill-breeding through its columns, we have no possible objection; but we beg leave to suggest that an occasional regard for truth in the articles it publishes might add some weight to the communications themselves as well as elevate the usual standard of the Gazette's news.
