

CRICKET is being revived at Princeton.

No rehearsals of the Greek Play till April 16.

THE Glee Club has begun rehearsing for its spring concert.

THE Boston Gazette is chiefly "conspicuous for its inaccuracy."

MR. R. D. SEARS will play in the Boston Court Tennis Tournament.


COLUMBIA men are much pleased that a University race with us is assured.

THE Seniors' Farewell in the Pi Eta Society occurs immediately after the recess.

THE Princeton Glee Club intend visiting Louisville, Ky., and St. Louis this summer.

MR. C. P. PERIN has sent in his resignation as Secretary of the Pierian Sodality.

AT the University of Pennsylvania, twenty-seven men are in training for the class fours.

IF wrinkles are the grave of love, false teeth may truthfully be described as the tombstones. - Corn. Bulletin.

HENCEFORTH the southern side room in Memorial Hall will be used for meals of lady guests of members of the Association.

THEY talk of starting a new paper at Columbia. It will be issued three times a week, and will have articles by the professors.

HEREAFTER the meetings of the Harvard Union will be held in Sever Hall, and it is hoped that a larger attendance may result.

IT is suggested that an English club, as a sort, of auxiliary to the New Shakspere Society, of London, would supply a need in College.

THE officers of the Philosophical Club are: Mr. Wheeler, '81, President; Mr. Baker, '81, Vice-President; Mr. Norman, '81, Secretary.

THE Cornell Era states that a Junior University Crew must be organized, as with '81,s departure from college, little boating material will be left.

THE Yale Courant is on its ear as regards the Acta; and when the Courant is in that condition, there is a pretty broad foundation under it.

MR. C. T. COPELAND, '82, read a very entertaining paper on Horace Walpole in English 7, last Wednesday. Messrs. M. St. C. Wright, '81, and W. C. Lane, '81, had previously given talks upon the minor poets of the "transition period."

THE Corporation has been so successful in divining the unexpressed wishes of the Crimson that the appointment of a Trinitarian to succeed Dr. Peabody has preceded our own editorial urging such a course.

THE tickets for the Glee Club's annual concert in Sanders will be ready at Sever's immediately after the recess, and can also be had, at that time, from any of the members of the Club. There will be dancing in Memorial as usual after the concert.

THE officers of the Hasty Pudding Club are as follows : President, E. H. Pendleton: Vice-President, G. E. Waring, Jr.; Secretary, J. T. Bowen; Treasurer, W. H. Manning; K???, J. P. Gardner; Chorister, H. G. Chapin; Artist, W. W. Kent; Librarian, E. J. Wendell.

THE queue of applicants for tickets to the Greek Play was formed on Sunday afternoon. At six o'clock five men were already in their places at the door of Sever's. A special policeman, who vigorously enforced the law against loafers, secured one of the first places.

THE Senior, Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman Crews are rowing in the following order: Senior - Hammond, I; Sturgis, 2; Swan, 3; Hemenway, 4; Foster, 5; Freeland, 6; Otis, 7; Atkinson, 8; Junior - Crehore, 1; Hoyt, 2; Sherwood, 3; Babcock, 4; Dean, 5; Warren, 6; Perkins, 7; Goodnough, 8; Sophomore - Sherwood, 1; Jacobs, 2; Smith, 3; Lee, 4; Burch, 5; Hubbard, 6; Baxter, 7; Perin, 8; Freshman - Bryant, 1; Goodwin, 2; Wesselhoeft, 3; Le Moyne, 4; Mumford, 5; How, 6; Clark, 7; Perkins, 8.

THE order of the Directors of the Dining Association, admitting ladies to the side room at lunch and dinner, will not be rescinded unless vetoed by the Corporation; therefore when the Bursar ordered the notice to be removed, he was acting without any authority whatsoever, more than any citizen of Cambridge would have.

THE University Nine opens the base ball season by playing a game with the Worcester Club at Worcester on next Thursday, Fast Day. The game with the Worcesters last year was a very exciting and interesting one. If any wish to accompany the Nine on this trip they can probably obtain reduced rates by sending their names to the manager, 48 Brattle St. The Nine will play at Worcester in the following positions: Folsom, pitcher; Nichols, catcher; Cutts, first base; Coolidge, second base; Baker, short stop; Snow, third base; Olmsted, left field; Perin, centre field; Edwards, right field; Edmands and Hall, substitutes. The Nine will also play the Bostons on the Boston grounds on the 9th, 13th, and 16th of April.

ONE of the authors of the article, "Penny Wise and Pound Foolish," in the last Crimson, does live in Weld, and knows that he stated no more than the truth about the janitor of that building, correspondents of the Echo to the contrary. The article in question was no hasty complaint, but a careful presentation of facts which to the writer, at least, seemed worthy of consideration.
