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Now that the matter of Professor Peabody's resignation has been brought prominently before the College, it may not be inappropriate to express the great regret which the news has occasioned among the students themselves, who have learned to honor and respect one who has so faithfully fulfilled the duties of his position for so many years. Few men have gained greater sympathy and esteem from those with whom they have come in contact; few men would leave behind a vacancy so hard to fill. Never unmindful of the dignity of his high position, he has yet ever been a true friend to all undergraduate interests; safely conservative in philosophy and in religion, he has yet been the best representative of that progressive liberality which is not laxness. Of Dr. Peabody's work in the world at large, it is not necessary or fitting that we should speak; to the value of his long and well-spent life among us here, it is eminently proper that a tribute should be paid. We feel assured that we express the sentiments of the entire College when we affirm our lasting regret for the necessity of losing so faithful a pastor, so warm a friend. The best wishes and sympathies of all who have ever known him will follow Dr. Peabody in his retirement to private life.
