

No Headline

IT is to be feared that the remarks of our esteemed cotemporary, in regard to a Shakspere Club, were not so well considered as that journal's editorial articles usually are. Possibly a society that numbers among its members Professors Furnivall and Dowden and our own Professor Child may be "a very erratic kite," but it is pardonable. perhaps, to think otherwise. It might be well for the Advocate to leave denunciation of that society in the hands of Mr. Swinburne, whose foulmouthed Billingsgate particularly fits him for the task. But it is not necessary that we should undertake its defence. The inoffensive item in the Crimson, that has unfortunately aroused our cotemporary's editorial wrath, was only meant to suggest that a club formed at Harvard would do well to ask its members to join the New Shakspere Society. The reasons that make such a request not improper are briefly these: The New Shakspere Society numbers among its supporters the foremost Shaksperian scholars on both sides the water. At its meetings, valuable papers are read, and important questions discussed, and reports of the proceedings are forwarded to the members. Thus, by joining the Society, one obtains the larger part of all that is best and freshest in the line of Shakspere study. It is very well to praise the slashing criticism which is so popular and so unsound; to magnify the merits of a certain Boston University critic, whose ignorance is only equalled by his audacity; to depreciate men who, like Dr. Furness, can really add something of value to Shaksperian literature; but we believe that those admirers and those critics will, in the end, be bitterly disappointed. Careful scholarship has been ridiculed as pedantry before this, but it has at last invariably won just recognition. We are sorry that the Advocate has been so grossly misinformed as to the purposes of the New Shakspere Society and the conditions of Shakspere criticism at the present day. We fear that "common sense and sound scholarship" did not dictate its own remarks upon the subject.
