WE wish to call the attention of our readers to the coming theatricals to be given by members of the Class of '81, in aid of the University Boat Club, and to urge each one to assist by his presence the finances of the Club, and also help make a good house for the gratification of the actors. The Boat Club is very much in need of money, as it will be obliged to move into better quarters than those occupied last year, when it goes to New London. There is great likelihood that it will be necessary to raise additional subscriptions this spring; so we advise every one to buy tickets to the theatricals, as in this way a more tangible return for the money seems to be made to the subscriber; whereas, if it is paid as a cold-blooded gift in the form of an additional subscription, there will be more or less dissatisfaction in it. Then we would say to those who have never had the pleasure of seeing the regular yearly theatricals which are given for the benefit of the Crew, that they will get more real pleasure out of them than out of any, except the very best, professional acting. Last year the profits of the Sophomore theatricals were not as great as was expected; and now that our Crew needs every encouragement, we hope that the performances will be very well attended by our own men.
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The Freshman Race with Columbia.