"THE next issue of The Harvard Register will be the last." Such is the publisher's announcement; and we cannot but think that the reasons which he gives for his action are convincing. Aside from the lack of pecuniary support, the proposed publication of the University Bulletin, for free distribution, edited by Mr. Winsor and a staff composed of representatives of the various faculties, will deprive the Register of its only raison d'etre; nor can it be denied that the Bulletin, under the management of our able Librarian, will be on the whole a more efficient and satisfactory publication. While, therefore, on some grounds the discontinuance of the Register calls for regret, we must acquiesce in the wisdom of the publisher's decision. It has filled its place; and it is not the fault of Mr. King if the enterprise has not proved a success. But it has never been an undergraduate college paper, in the customary sense of the word, nor an official publication, by any manner of means; and, therefore, we have always deprecated its claims as a representative of Harvard or of Harvard opinion. Be that as it may, the Register has certainly been no discredit to the University, and its discontinuance may reasonably be regretted by many persons.
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The Freshman Race with Columbia.