THE last number of the Crimson contained an article entitled "Waiters." Unfortunately, and entirely unexpectedly to us, this piece has been regarded by some members of the University as an affront to, or rather sneer at, themselves. We have already, in the Advocate, made a statement in which we deprecated the view of the matter taken by these gentlemen, and we wish here to uphold what we there said. There is no class of men in College whose feelings we would so much regret to have hurt in any way as those who, by efforts and sacrifices which all admire, fight their way and win their education. But although and because we feel as we do about these men, we are surprised and disappointed that they should have regarded the article in the Crimson as they did. We think that their doing so distinctly shows a weakness and false pride which, from the stand they have always taken, and the character they have always displayed, we would not have expected to find in them.
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