

BOSTON MUSEUM. - 7.45 P. M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2. For the rest of this week and next week, Dion Boucicault in his excellent role of Conn, in the "Shaughraun;" extra Matinee on St. Patrick's Day. March 21, "The Colleen Bawn." March 28, "Suil a Mor." Mr. Boucicault is supported by the regular Museum Company. The N. Y. Thalia Company, with Fraulein Geistinger, will play in German at this theatre, April 18 to 23.

BOSTON THEATRE. - 8 P. M.; Matinee, Saturday at 2. To-night and to-morrow's Matinee, last performances of the "Pirates," by the Ideal Opera Company. To-morrow night, "The Chimes of Normandy." Next week, last week of the engagement of this Company, "Fatinitza."

GAIETY THEATRE. - 7.45 P. M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2. This week closes the run of Henri Laurent's "Olivette" combination. Tonight, benefit of Mile. Corelli. Monday, Barlow, Wilson, & Co.'s "Unequalled Minstrels."

GLOBE THEATRE. - 7.45 P. M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2. For the rest of this week, "Little Em'ly," an adaptation from "David Copperfield," with a strong caste. Emily Rigl as Rosa Dartle, Mary Cary in the title-role. Next week, the Emma Abbott English Opera Company: Monday, "Maritani;" Tuesday, "Lucia;" Wednesday Matinee. "Fra Diavolo;" Wednesday night, "Martha;" Thursday, "Trovatore;" Friday, "Paul and Virginia;" Saturday Matinee, "Romeo and Juliet;" Saturday night, "Bohemian Girl."

PARK THEATRE. - 7.45 P. M.; Matinee, Saturday at 2. For the rest of this week, Bartley Campbell's "Galley Slave," with a good caste. Next week, "Mitchell's Pleasure Party." March 28, Sarah Bernhardt for one week. She will appear in "L'Etrangere," beside the plays before given.

