ONE of the most unpleasant things that the captain of any athletic organization has to encounter is the presence among the candidates for his team or crew of men who are actuated in their candidacy not by any desire for the good of the College, but by mere personal vanity. We do not intend to go into an elaborate discussion, and attempt to fix the proportion which such vanity may rightly hold in each man's motives. But it is manifest that in athletics, where the co-operation of numbers is necessary, some stronger and, if we may say so, higher motive than this is the indispensable requisite of success. We would not discourage any one, but we advise all to consider the importance of the step they take when they become candidates for nine, crew, or team. The beginning is a private matter with each man; the leaving off is not. His class and the College have a right to know his reasons, and do most certainly judge him according to their sufficiency or insufficiency.
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The Freshman Race with Columbia.