REPORT OF THE CLASS OF 1860. New York : 1880. Printed for the use of the class. Francis M. Weld, Esq., the Class Secretary of '60, has got out the most interesting Class Report of any that we have yet seen. It comprises a volume of 246 pages, neatly bound in half calf. Naturally most of the book will be of especial interest to members of the class itself, and by them it will be most appreciated. But, graduating just on the verge of the Civil War, many of its number entered the army and won for themselves reputation of more than local limits. Foremost among them were E. G. and H. L. Abbott, brothers, both of whom attained the rank of major, and both of whom were killed in battle. It was essentially a War Class. Out of 107 graduates, 50 were connected with military or naval affairs on the Union side and 4 on the Confederate. Of 39 temporary members, 14 served the North and 4 the South. The class has lost 42 members by death; and 88 have been married. Besides these records the Secretary has added several interesting matters, as, the attitude of the Faculty towards the class while in college; fac-similes of the then forms of admission; rules and regulations; tabular views, &c., &c. The boating and social life of the class is also largely represented by newspaper accounts and menus. On the whole, Mr. Weld is to be congratulated on the elegance, interest, and careful editing of his report.
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