THE second number of the Tech has made its appearance. It surpasses all other college papers in the beauty of its cover; but there is some room for improvement inside. We do not think the illustrations as good as they should be. On the whole, however, the paper is much above the average.
The Yale News is our constant visitor, and is always welcome. Its editorial articles are well written and its items interesting; though we own we get tired of running against "Those checked rubber coats" five or six times in the course of one column.
The Varsity comes to us from Toronto, its cover adorned as usual with a cheap woodcut of a youth and a maiden, who have apparently just had a fight, and are standing back to back. Whether this is intended to be an allegory upon co-education we are not able to say. The articles, like those of most English college papers, are heavy and to us unentertaining.
THE Cornell Era contains a series of "Lessons in Natural History," from which we clip the following; -
CHAPTER V. - The Senior.
WHAT is this we have here? Is it alive? It is. Be Jawge, it is a Hawvawd Senyah, you know. Is he known by any other title? Yes-ah, he-ah is sometimes called a cultuahed gentleman-ah. Does he study Greek? I should-ah say that he did-ah. He pwayed in Oedipus-ah lawst yeah. What did he play? He pwayed the curtains up awnd down-ah. Joke ah! Ha-ha-ah? What makes him part his hair in the middle? Only a step-ah in the cawse of his development-ah. Development into what? Into womanhood-ah. Another joke ah, be Jove-ah. By-the-way, what does he think of Emerson's idea of the non-combustibility of modern agnosticism? My deah fellah, he has not the slightest ideah. Fact-ah. Joke-ah, number thwee. Jerusalem, you are pwessing mattahs too fah. At Hawvawd we feel ah that we ah must patronize Emerson a little-ah, but the awdawcious fellah, actually-ah. - Yes, this is a Harvard Senior. Is he always thus? He is not when he takes a surf bath at Coney Island. "Cultuah" can then be - relegated to Boston where it belongs.
The Acta Columbiana is not as good as usual. The New Set of Football Rules just barely misses being a very keen satire. Columbia College in 2000 is no doubt a very readable article to those who can appreciate all its grinds. A Climb and Its Results is flat, and not by any means up to the writer's usual standard.
The Beacon comes to us in holiday dress. Well, Beacon, you have succeeded in blazing out into a most dazzling pink, if nothing more.
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