Kineo, as a boy, grew up with more than usual Indian taciturnity, and with ever-increasing gloominess of disposition. His mother, Maquaso, watched the development of these characteristics with anxiety. He gave so little heed to her solicitude that when she suddenly disappeared, suspicion at once fell upon him, and he was excluded from the councils of his tribe. He departed, and encamped on a neighboring mountain. The rest of the story is told in the lines which follow.
WHILE quietly the water laps the shore,
And scarce the breathing of the moonlit night
Rustles the leaves of yonder birchen trees,
Listen awhile. The languor of the scene
Befits the tale of him who, fierce erewhile, -
The stoutest warrior of a warrior tribe,
The bulwark of his race, - at last retired,
And, where yon dark and lowering precipice
Looms on the bluish mountain's shaggy side,
Night after night surveyed with keen-eyed glance
The spreading landscape; nor did thought of arms
Or battle rouse him from intent repose,
Or interrupt his everlasting gaze.
And never did the all-surveying sun,
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