SUNDAY permits may now be obtained at the office.
THE Pierian and Glee Club have together hired Roberts Hall.
THE Echo now has an office where the exchanges are kept on file.
MR. H. D. ROBBINS, '84, has been elected a business editor of the Crimson.
HONORARY members of the Glee Club and Pierian from '83 will soon be elected.
FORENSICS from the first section of the Junior class are due on November 2.
THOSE who want the Crimson delivered will oblige us by leaving their names at Sever's.
MR. CAREY'S singing classes will begin about November 1, in Boylston Hall, due notice of which will be given.
CONTRIBUTORS are again reminded that anonymous contributions can under no circumstances receive notice from the editors of the Crimson.
IT is said that the author of "How I Was Poisoned" will shortly publish articles entitled, "My First Tin Whistle," "My Second Tooth," and "How I Caught the Mumps."
THE next debate in English 6 is on the following subject: Resolved, That a law prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors, such as that known as the Maine Prohibitory Law, is sound in principle.
PEACEABLY disposed persons were somewhat alarmed to find cabalistic notices posted in the Yard and at Memorial Hall last week to this effect: -
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