BOSTON THEATRE. - 7.45 P.M.; Matinee, Saturday at 2. Denman Thompson is here again in his familiar role, Uncle Josh in "Joshua Whitcomb." His pathetic acting, and that of Miss Wilson as Tot, make the play very attractive, especially to a New England audience.
BOSTON MUSEUM. - 7.45 P.M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2. 10th week of the "Guv'nor." To-morrow evening, benefit of Mr. Barron in "Brutus" and "Black-Eyed Susan."
GAIETY THEATRE. - 8 P.M.; Matinees daily (this week) at 2. Jay Rial's new version of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Next week, "Olivette," a new and very pretty opera in which Catherine Lewis has made a great hit in New York.
GLOBE THEATRE. - 7.45 P.M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2. This week, D'Ennery's "Les Orphelines de la Charite," adapted as "A Child of the State," - an interesting and exciting play, but, unfortunately, badly acted, owing to the manifest inexperience of the company. Next week theatre-goers will have the pleasure of seeing Mrs. Scott-Siddons once more.
PARK THEATRE. - 7.45 P.M.; Matinee, Saturday at 2. This week and next, Lawrence Barrett, supported by Louis James and Miss Wainwright. Tonight, "Richelieu;" matinee to-morrow, "Marble Heart;" to-morrow evening, "Julius Caesar."
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