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THE order of the Winter Meetings of the H. A. A., to which notice was briefly directed in our last issue, have now been formally printed and posted, so that only passing allusion to them is all that will be necessary now. The number of events, and the special prize for general excellence, should call out many new gymnasts; while the combination on the last day, of Dr. Sargent's Exhibition with the regular meeting of the Association, ought seemingly to be a great success. The change in price was a step that (with no prospect of raising the debt of the Association, unless some such move was taken) cannot fail to meet the approval of every one who looks at it fairly. The provision for having reserved seats in the gallery, by which the confusion and crowding of last year will be largely obviated, is also commendable. To conclude, we can only hope that the students themselves, by many entries and large attendance, will help to make these meetings the most successful yet held; certainly the Executive Committee has done all in its power to further this result, in the preliminary arrangements.
