THE dramatis personoe and chorus in the forthcoming tragedy will be entertained Saturday evening at the house of Professor Norton.
WE wish to call the attention of Seniors to writing their class lives. Trivial as it may seem to some, it is still important that the lives should be complete. The date on which they are to be handed in is February 25.
AT least three performances of the Greek play will be given, and if the sale of tickets shows the necessity of such a measure, a number of extra performances may be expected. It is not decided whether the production of the play shall take place during the first or the third week in May.
A UNIVERSITY Race with Columbia is talked of.
THE Glee Club promises the best concert it has ever given for this spring.
THE Yale Alumni have presented the Boat Club a steam launch warranted to run twenty miles an hour.
IT is rumored that Sever has sold over fifty copies of Mallock's "Is Life worth Living?" during the last week.
HALL, who pulled No. 5 on Yale's crew last June, and was the heaviest man in the boat, will not row this year.
IT is to be hoped that there will be some entries for wrestling this year. We have had no good wrestling at Harvard for some time now.
NOTMAN has sent lists of all class photographs to the Seniors. Orders must be given before March 1, in order to have them filled by June 10.
PROFESSOR JAMES'S lecture on Wednesday was largely attended, and was recognized by all who heard it as very instructive. It is suggested that the lecture might be given to Freshmen each year with much profit.
AT the second annual dinner of the Yale Alumni in Boston, Wednesday night, President Eliot spoke in terms of warm praise of the sister University. Professor William Cook (a Yale Alumnus) also made a brief address.
THE officers of the Pi Eta are as follows: President, F. E. Fuller; Vice-President, C. M. Rice; Secretary, F. A. Dakin; Treasurer, A. A. Howard; Executive Committee, C. M. Rice, A. M. Allen, F. A. Fernald.
WITH NO. 1 of the third volume, the Harvard Register appears in magazine form, and in all that pertains to careful editing, fine engraving, excellent paper, and almost faultless type-setting, it is worthy to rank with Scribner's as a model of printing.
IT is reported that in order to settle the much-disputed question of the football championship, Princeton has informed Yale that she would accept a challenge from Yale, the match to be played in the spring. If at the end of two innings neither side is ahead, play is to be continued in hour rounds, until one side wins.
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