BOSTON THEATRE. - 7.45 P.M.; Matinee, Saturday at 2. Alfred Cellier's opera, founded on Mr. Longfellow's "Masque of Pandora," will be produced until further notice. The opera seems destined to be a fairly successful one : it has been carefully prepared, and is very well set. Miss Blanche Roosevelt, who was so charming in the "Pirates," last year, sings in the principal role, Pandora.
BOSTON MUSEUM. - 7.45 P.M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2. "The Guv'nor" continues its remarkable run. To-morrow evening, Mr. Warren appears in "My Son."
GAIETY THEATRE. - 8 P.M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2. "The Tourists" will be given for the remainder of this week; it is as amusing as ever. Next week, "Trial by Jury" and "Pinafore."
GLOBE THEATRE. - 7.45 P.M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday. This evening, Salvini in "Ingomar." To-morrow, matinee at 1.30, Salvini ends his engagement here with "Othello," which no one who cares for splendid acting should miss seeing. Salvini's engagement has been a rare treat to theatre-goers. Next week, Kate Claxton in the "Snow Flower" until Friday. Friday, "Frou-Frou." Saturday, matinee and evening, "The Two Orphans."
PARK THEATRE. - 7.45 P.M. Matinee, Saturday at 2. To-night and to-morrow, last performances of "Hazel Kirke," which ran for twelve months in New York. Next week, Lawrence Barrett in "Yorick's Love."
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