

THE Thesis required in History 5 must be handed in to-morrow.

PROFESSOR TOY'S reading will take place next Thursday evening.

THE President's Report was received by the Overseers last Wednesday.

THE Echo is stereotyping the obsolete jokes of the "Humors of the Day" of 25 years ago.

THE first chorus of the "oedipus" is printed, and makes a good-sized pamphlet. Several more are to follow.


PROFESSOR JOHN W. WHITE and Dr. E. L. Mark have been elected honorary members of the Pi Eta Society.

THIRD Senior Forensic, Second Division : "Are usury laws, in any form and in any case, expedient?" Due 8th of March.

MESSRS. CREHORE and Wendell, both of '82, will represent Harvard at the business meeting of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association.

"IT is strange that more attention is not given to boxing in College." - Echo oracle.

Yes, yes, strange, strange indeed!

THE winter meetings of the H. A. A. will be held in the Gymnasium on Saturdays, March 5, 12, and 19. There will be two Ladies' Days.

THE officers of the O. K. for the second half year are as follows : President, M. St. C. Wright; Treasurer, P. Evarts; Secretary, J. H. Adams; Librarian, H. L. Wheeler.

IT is rumored that the subject of the next Senior Forensic will be : " "Did the salt-pillar into which Lot's wife was turned contain sodium or nitric oxide?" References in the Library.

THE following are trying for the Junior crew : Babcock, Blodgett, Clark, Crehore, Cumming, Dean, Delaney, French, Goodnough, Hoyt, Luck, Manning, Perin, Perkins, Sherwood, Thacher, Towne, and Waring.

A LEADING oculist is quoted by a correspondent of a Boston journal as saying that he has more patients from the Law School at Cambridge than from any other source, so bad is the ventilation and the gas-heated air in the evening.

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