BOSTON THEATRE. - 8 P.M.; Matinee, Saturday at 2. "The Royal Middy," an adaptation of Genee's "Der Seekadet," is a bright piece very well acted and sung by the company which performed it with such success in New York. Miss Catherine Lewis is excellent as Fanchette, the gipsy girl who disguises herself as a midshipman, in order to get her friend Don Lamberto (Mr. Hatch) out of an awkward predicament. June 14, "All the Rage," which is said to be very amusing.
BOSTON MUSEUM. - Closed for the season, to be enlarged and much improved during the summer.
GAIETY THEATRE. - 8 P.M.; Matinee, Saturday at 2. To-night and to-morrow, last performances of the "Spectre Knight," and "Charity Begins at Home," two pleasant little pieces, which are well worth seeing, especially the second. Mr. Bell, as Joe, is very amusing. This theatre brings its season to a close this week.
GLOBE THEATRE. - 8 P.M.; Matinee, Saturday at 2. The San Francisco Minstrels bring a very successful season to a close this week. Charles Backus and Billy Birch are as amusing as ever. The performance ends with "Beadle's Pirates for Ten Cents," a good burlesque of the more familiar "Pirates."
PARK THEATRE. - 8 P.M.; Matinees, Wednesday and Saturday at 2. The "Tourists in the Pullman Palace Car," which has already had so successful a run in Boston, this year, is announced until further notice. It is exceedingly amusing. Miss Swain's songs, and Mr. Watson's impersonation of the Conductor are especially good.
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Co-operative Society Bulletin.