

BOSTON THEATRE. - 8 P.M., Matinee Saturday at 2. To-night and to-morrow's matinee will be the last performances of "Pinafore" by the Ideal Opera Company, which made such a hit in it last year. To-morrow night, benefit of Thomas W. Keene in "Richard the Third." and "Slasher and Crasher." May 10, the "Prince of Palermo," an adaptation of "Boccaccio" by Suppe, the author of "Fatinitza," will be given. The cast insures an excellent interpretation of this amusing opera.

BOSTON MUSEUM. - 7.45 P. M., Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 2. Miss Fanny Davenport is appearing as Mabel Renfrew in Augustin Daly's "Pique," supported by the Museum Company. Miss Davenport's acting is charming. Mr. Barron is good as Capt. Standish, U. S. N., Mrs. Vincent thoroughly at home as Aunt Dorothy, and Mr. Graham's tramp is excellent.

GAIETY THEATRE. - 8 P.M., Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 2. The rest of the week, Gus. Williams appears in his comic impersonation, Herr Dinkel, in "Our German Senator." On Monday, Milton Noble begins a short engagement in "The Phoenix."

GLOBE THEATRE. - 8 P. M., Matinees Wednesday and Saturday at 2. With this week, closes the engagement of D'Oyley Carte's Opera Company in the "Pirates of Penzance." On Monday, Maurice Grau's French Opera Bouffe Company will be here for one week, opening with Mignon. "La Belle Helene," "Les Cloches de Corneville, "La Vie Parisienne" "Girofle," "Le Postillon de Longiumeau," and "Le Pre aux Clercs" will probably be given.

PARK THEATRE. - 7.45 P. M., Matinee Saturday at 1.45. On Monday, the Union Square Company began playing Mr. Edgar Fawcett's "False Friend," The plot depends on the attempt of Lucien Gleyre (Mr. Thorne) to pass himself off as Cuthbert Fielding (Mr. Courtaine), who is supposed to be dead. The dramatic interest is very great, and well sustained, although the materials are by no means new. The acting is, throughout, excellent, as is to be expected from this company. "French Flats," a very amusing piece, adapted from "Les Locataires de M. Blondeau," is in preparation.


MUSIC HALL. - Handel and Haydn Society, Fifth Triennial Festival. To-night at 7.45, "Spring" and "Summer" from the "Seasons" (Haydn), and "The Deluge" (Saint Saens). To-morrow at 2.30, miscellaneous concert, including "Utrecht Jubilate." Sunday evening, at 7.45, "Solomon" (Handel). Orchestra of seventy performers, chorus of five hundred. Solos by Miss Cary, Miss Thursby, Miss Winant, Campanini, Mr. Whitney, and Mr. Adams.
