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THE question has arisen as to the eligibility to a position on a class nine of an unmatriculated student who has at some past time been a member of a class; or of a student in the Scientific School who has never been in the Academic department. Among the rules which the class nines are bound by, the Advocate gives the following : "Only past or present members of each class, that are still in the Academic department of the college, shall be eligible." By the strict wording of this rule, a Scientific student is not eligible, as he certainly is not in the Academic department; there is, however, a difference of opinion as to whether or not an unmatriculated student is in the Academic department. To prevent some further stretch of this rule in some future year, we would suggest to the Advocate that the rule be rewritten so as to admit only a strict construction, and at the same time that it should allow both past members of a class who are now unmatriculated students and students in the Scientific School to play on their class nines. An unmatriculated student is considered by every one as still a member of the class with which he entered college, and is so treated in every respect; therefore the nine ought to be open to him.

The unfairness of not allowing a Scientific student to play is that at Yale Scientific students play on the Freshman nine, and as our Freshmen play against them, they ought not to be placed at a disadvantage by narrowing the choice of material. If, however, the Freshman nine is to be made up of Scientific students, and those, too, who may afterwards become unmatriculated students, it is only right that the upper class nines should have the privilege of selecting men from the Scientific and unmatriculated students.
