

MEMORIAL has 588 boarders.

TWO bicycles have been stolen from Felton.

THE Lacrosse Team will play no games until next fall.

THE Bicycle Club dinner took place at Young's last evening.

MR. WARING is now rowing as substitute on the Sophomore Crew.


BENJ. P. CHENEY, of Boston, has given Dartmouth College $50,000.

THE Freshman race has been changed from the 7th to the 5th of July.

IN the game with Brockton Wednesday, our nine was defeated by a score of 3 to 2.

IN the Junior sculler's race between Messrs. Ellis, '80, and Gilley, '80, postponed from last autumn, Mr. Ellis won.

ALL the crews have changed the rigs of their boats, and show a marked improvement therefrom.

THE University Nine left at noon for Hanover, N. H., where they will play Dartmouth to-morrow.

THE Sophomores were not satisfied with the Eliot pin, and have gone back to the original square rowlock.

MESSRS. Richmond and Kip have had to leave the Freshman crew. Their places have been filled by Messrs. Sherwood and Burch.

DEAN GRAY, of the Episcopal Theological Seminary, addressed the Society of Christian Brethren, Thursday evening, in their rooms.

REV. PHILLIPS BROOKS preached in Appleton Chapel last Sunday evening. He is expected to preach there again on the 16th, at the same hour.
