

No Headline

THE Freshman crew won a noble victory. Taking the lead from the beginning, they kept it with ease to the finish, while the other crews were struggling to get away from the extreme rear. The causes of this surprising result are owing to the fact that the material of the crew is excellent, and that they had the benefit of a splendid coach for a few days previous to the race. Victory, however, has its penalties, and we are not sure that the Freshman crew will go free. In view of the race with Columbia, the effect of Saturday's contest is liable to be injurious, for success begets over-confidence and from this spring a score of evils. In other words, the Freshman crew needs to redouble its efforts between now and the 5th of July. As soon as their opponents learn whom they are to meet, they will leave nothing untried to place themselves on an equal footing. While congratulating our Freshmen on their victory, we hope that it will not turn their heads, and thus cause them to lose the race with Columbia.
