THE steam launch is daily expected.
THE II H will spread in Massachusetts Hall.
THE 'Varsity are being coached in pair oars.
THE Signet will spread in the north entry of Thayer.
THE Freshman shell came last Friday. It is rather small.
THERE are 1,494 students at Columbia, - 278 in the college proper.
THE '80 Class Fund has reached $7,700, and is still growing. The College Fund is now $2,500.
THE Cricket Club will play the Lawrence Club to-morrow and the Portsmouth on Wednesday next
SEVER Hall has not been engaged for a spread on Class Day. It will be open for public inspection.
"WHAT is the uniform condition of the superior planets?" Mr. O. They are always full. - Nassau Lit.
FRESHMEN who intend to anticipate required rhetoric should meet the instructor in U. 17 at twelve, to-morrow.
ON Thursday, the 27th, at three o'clock, Mr. Perry will be in U. 2 to receive belated themes and to return themes to Seniors.
THE Freshman Crew will not abandon practice in their barge till within two weeks of their race with Columbia.
THERE is much dissatisfaction in parts of the Freshman Class with the conduct of some members of their Nine.
THE captain of the Freshman Crew has written to Columbia requesting that the date of the Freshman race may be changed from June 5 to June 7.
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The College Tennis Tournament.