

No Headline

EXCEPT for the unfortunate accident in the Heavy-Weight Sparring, the last day of the Winter Meeting was as successful, though not as interesting, as the previous ones. The fact that there was only one entry in each of the wrestling-classes, and that therefore no cup was given, is a text for some criticism on the clause in the Constitution of the Athletic Association which directs that there shall be no prizes awarded for walk-overs. It certainly seems that if the one entry is the only man who has taken enough interest in the event to train for it, or if he is well known to be so good that no one will go in against him, he ought to have the cup and the championship. If a man holds a championship belt his name is inscribed on it every year, until it is taken from him, whether he has to contend for it every year or not. If there is no one who dares encounter him, it goes without saying that he is the best man, and he should be rewarded accordingly.
