

THE demon that has crept into the Seminary of Our Lady of Angels, and at present edits the exchange column of the Niagara Index, reaches for the Crimson in the following style: "A vein of lovesick, sentimental bosh permeates the Crimson's pages. But as we have never been in love, and don't anticipate any such fatality, our censure is excusable." Poor fellow, we really pity you! The unlucky author of "Specimen Bricks" next claims his attention: "We cannot say the idiot who is responsible for the above is a brick. This article may occasionally be found embedded in his cranial protector, - that is, if there be any cranium requiring protection." It is fortunate that Harvard is so distant from Niagara, or we really should fear personal violence from this would-be monk, who apparently believes that women have no business in the world. After all, in spite of the frequent recurrence of the Rt. Rev.'s and His Holiness in its pages, the Index is quite amusing, especially the exchange column.

Tutor. - How did you render "In partes Gallia"?

Student. - In the city of Gaul.

Tutor. - Wrong.

Student. - E-e, in a part of Galilee. (Also fact.)


- Vindex.

WILLIAMS is to have a new gymnasium, but there is very little enthusiasm on the subject, to judge from the Athenoeum, which takes great pains to assure the college that the new gymnasium will be fully as good as the present one.

"I know what your beau's pretty horse's name is," said a little fellow to his sister, Saturday morning. "It's 'Damye.'" "Hush, Eddie, that's a naughty word." "Well, I don't care; that's his name, 'cos last night I heard him say, outside the fence, 'Whoa, Damye!'" - Ex.
