

UP and down my thoughts are roaming,

As the day is turn 'd to night,

And around me through the gloaming

Spreads a wierd fantastic light.

'Tis not real, but like the glimmer


Of a long remember 'd day, -

Which though past, is none the dimmer,

Reproduced in magic way.

On a beach the waves are rolling

In successive rush of sound,

And a vesper-bell is tolling

From a solitary mound,

On whose rugged peaks are gleaming

Convent walls and arches white, -

All around the land is dreaming,

Hush 'd before approaching night.

Hush! a voice so sweet and ringing

Rises o'er the tolling bells,

And a strange, unearthly singing

Toward the rumbling ocean swells, -

And I see a fairy figure

From the convent lattice peer;

Youth and hope are on her features, -

All around is old and sere.

Now the golden light is fading,

Now the dusk has conquer 'd day,

And the sullen waves invading

Sweep the tide across the bay!

Convent walls and sunlight vanish,

And the fairy voice is still, -

Was this but a phantom picture

Conjur 'd up at fancy's will?

No! that form so like a fairy

Since that long remembered day

Sings no more in convent dreary

On the margin of the bay!

Nina now is sitting near me,

And though sullen ocean roar,

She will sweetly sing to cheer me, -

She is mine forevermore.

