"Oh, no, no ! I 'll never marry,"
So Chloe said, sweet and low.
"In this vain world I 'll not tarry,
But into a nunnery go."
"A nunnery ! faith," said Dorus,
Who happened the words to hear,
"You'd much prefer to enter
A monastery, dear !"
MR. WINSOR will be one of the editors of the new history of Boston, and Professors Gray and Shaler will contribute chapters on the floral and geographical history of the city and its neighborhood.
IT is rumored that the new Union Railway cars are to be named after the most renowned college professors. We may have the pleasure of riding into town in the Francis Bowen and the J. M. Peirce.
THE chair of German in Princeton College has become vacant, and has been offered to Dr. Herman Huss of the University of Jena, of the family of the great reformer. Dr. Huss has accepted the position.
FIFTY thousand dollars has been left to the College by Mr. Jonathan Brown Bright of Waltham. Half the sum is to be devoted to maintaining five scholarships, and half to purchasing books for the Library.
THE whole University will be delighted to know that the steam-whistle on the Brighton abattoir, hitherto sounded in connection with the fire-alarm system has been discontinued by order of the Fire Commissioners.
HANLAN is having a shell made for sculling on the ice. It will be run on skates, and the Canadian expects to make a mile in three minutes. There is no reason now why the college crews should not be on the river all winter.
Photographs of the University Crews of '77, '78, and '79 have been hung in the Gymnasium by the Executive Committee, and tablets containing records of the Class Races will be placed there in a day or two. The crews' flags are also to decorate the building.
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