The next example is from a Musical Course.
MUSIC 10.1. Why?
2. What?
3. Are bank-notes the notes most often fingered by musicians ?
4. In what time can you run a scale ?
5. What is a bar ? Was Malone a good composer ?
6. When you see pianissimo above a bar, does it mean to come to the bar-tender ?
7. Would this bar be in whis-key ?
8. If you played continuously on the above key, what notes would you most often strike, - 1/2 C's ?
9. What is the difference between beating time and killing time ?
10. Is a harp that is always out of tune a habitual lyre ?
11. If so, who is a blasted lyre? Give several examples.
12. Are the negroes good singers because they are lovers of hominy ?
13. Can you whistle a tune in a bunch of keys? Try.
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