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THE result of the vote last week for President was a surprise to no one. The previous choice of the Law School, and the private discussion of the merits of the several candidates mentioned in connection with the nomination, indicated that Senator Bayard was the favorite of the University. But this does not mean that the Democrats in the University outnumbered the Republicans, for other reasons prove this not to be the case. The real meaning of the vote is that intelligent and conscientious men will not allow party filiation to rule their better judgment and force them to support an unfit or corrupt candidate. How much influence this warning will have with the leaders in both the great parties, we are unable to say, but we fear that it will be very little. The University, however, in declaring for an honest and competent man to direct the affairs of the nation, has performed its duty. The vote, though not as large as it might have been, speaks well for the interest taken in politics by undergraduates, while the success of the canvass was owing, in a great measure, to the efforts of the Chairman of the Committee.
