

"GREAT oaks from little acorns grow," and the World proceeds to judge great things by small, as follows:-

"The customary undergraduate abbreviation of 'gym.,' as applied to such a structure, has been expanded to 'James' by the Harvard Echo, whose frequent use of the word would seem to indicate its assured position in the slang of the College."

We beg leave to assure the World that this ridiculous affectation is to be found solely in the columns of the paper mentioned, and has not as yet, and probably never will be admitted into the vocabulary of the undergraduate.

KING'S College Record (no connection with the Register) is a new arrival on our exchange table. It hails from Windsor, N. S., and bids fair to become a most welcome visitor. The present number contains an article on Canadian geography, which is much more interesting than the title promises, a well-written sketch on "That Room-mate of Mine," and a charming little poem, "Retrospection."

THE Williams Athenaeum prints an entertaining article on Salutations, which solves the difficulty that existed in our minds as to what prevents the persecuted Russian students that we hear so much about, from emigrating to America.


"In Russia, kissing is customary at ordinary meeting or parting of both sexes, even among strangers, to the astonishing delight sometimes of an unwary traveller whom a pretty maiden thus bids farewell after showing him the inquired-for road."
