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NOTWITHSTANDING what has been said in the College papers concerning the low, despicable advantage which some students have taken with regard to the privilege the Library has extended us in the use of reserved books, the evil still continues. Not only are reserved books hidden in various parts of the Library, so that no one can find them except the one who hid them for his own selfish purpose, but also books are constantly missing from the shelves and can be found nowhere in the Library, the supposition naturally being that some student has secretly carried off the book to his own room. Books carried off in this manner have been missing for two or three weeks at a time, and then have appeared again on the shelves as mysteriously as they disappeared. This seems like a trifling matter; but when one realizes that unless this temporary thieving is stopped it may cause, aside from the great inconvenience of missing valuable reference books from the shelves during the semi-annuals, the withdrawal of our privilege of reserved books, then the matter is no longer trivial, but becomes very serious. It is a matter of concern to us all, and no sentimental idea of College honor should shield the thief; as soon as he is found, not only should he be excluded from all use of the Library (which undoubtedly will be done), but also the College papers, by publishing his name, should give him all the publicity and notoriety he deserves.
