

COLUMBIA will have her laugh at Princeton, as the columns of the Acta show. And the Acta is very witty, and we have our suspicions that "the home of M'Cosh and malaria" is apt to be worsted in an encounter on paper.

THE Yale Courant opens fire with some two columns of items, misnamed editorials. It is pleasant, too, to know that "WE ARE CHAMPIONS!" The Courant is mostly Yalensicula and Book Table. The 'Varsity's change of cover is no improvement, we fear; but the 'Varsity is emphatically a paper of sound judgment, - except possibly as regards the Notre Dame Scholastic, with which it is waging bitter war on the question of a college paper's right to publish official communications. The Yale News appears to be seriously alarmed at the indications of a "brace" by Harvard in athletic matters. "When Harvard braces it means that there is work ahead. We cannot afford to lose what we have won." The Sun that visits Cornell daily is disposed to be a little obscured by clouds, we fear; and the Era does not continue in brotherly love . . . It is a pleasure to praise the Exonian, one of the most modest of all our exchanges, and one of the best. It is published weekly by the Exeter Academy, and we may be pardoned for preferring it over many more pretentious sheets hailing from a "University."
