

THE Intercollegiate Base Ball Convention was held on Saturday last, at Springfield. Princeton was represented by McCune and Duffield, Brown by Thurston and Ladd, Dartmouth by Cram and Partridge, Amherst by Latimer and Williams, and Harvard by Folsom and Coolidge. Mr. Coolidge called the meeting to order, and the following officers were elected: President, Duffield; Vice-Presidents, Cram and Ladd; Secretary and Treasurer, Coolidge. The Judiciary Committee, consisting of Folsom, Chairman, Cram, Thurston, McCune, and Latimer, decided that the championship of 1880 be awarded to Princeton, and that Amherst had forfeited her membership by failing to play Princeton on June 23. Amherst, however, was re-admitted. Yale's application for admittance into the Association was granted, and Lamb and Peabody entered as delegates. The league rules of last year were adopted, and George Wright's American College Base Ball will be the Association Ball. The Judiciary Committee is to appoint fifteen umpires for the ensuing year. The Secretary was instructed to have printed, in pamphlet form, the Constitution, the records of last year's games, the proceedings of this meeting, with a list of the officers, and a schedule of the games for this year.
