

THEY are the undergraduates Of 1883,

The prettiest undergraduates

That ever you did see.

In Hebrew and in Calculus,

And in Hindostanee,


Their learning is quite fabulous,

As well as Botanee.

The verb abstruse, amo, amas,

In Latin and Chinee,

In every tongue each clever lass

Can conjugate freelee.

In Optics, they are learned as

A specialist M.D.;

In Painting, all this skilful class

Will take M.A. degree.

From every State in all the land,

From South Amerikee,

From Popocatapetl, and

From Moscow and Fijee,

These pretty modern Eves have come,

This Class of '83,

To pluck the golden apples from

The one forbidden tree.
