


THE present method of taking meals from Memorial to a sick man is any thing but gratifying, either to the sick man or the waiter who carries his food to him. The waiter, in some cases, earns a small fee, but, in return, is obliged to do much extra work; and, even leaving the comfort or discomfort of the waiter out of the question, the student is not in the least well served. The waiter is obliged to wait till every one at his table has finished, so that he is at least an hour and a half late, and then he has only the cold remains to choose from. Probably there are always some students confined to their rooms, and the Board of Directors of the Dining Association would confer a great benefit if they employed an extra man, who could receive the food for all the sick students at the beginning of the meal, and take it to them in turn, carrying the different baskets of food in a hand-cart. This man could probably be used in some other way between meals, so that his time need not be wasted; and at the same time students confined to their rooms could have their baskets made up before half the bill of fare was exhausted and every thing had got cold.

X. Q. Z.


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