WHITE beavers at Wyeth's for the Drum Corps.
THERE will be a Bicycle Club meeting next Thursday evening to elect officers for the ensuing year.
THE first Harvard Assembly will take place before Christmas, probably during the first week in December.
MR. C. P. CURTIS, JR., '83, has been elected Business Manager of the Crimson from '83.
THE Reading-Room under the auspices of the Harvard Union was opened yesterday.
THE Drum Corps and fifers are showing marked improvement, having had frequent rehearsals this week.
ALL entrance fees to former meetings of the H. A. A. will not be returned unless claimed before Wednesday, November 3.
MR. GEORGE C. BUELL, '82, has been elected editor of the Crimson, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. J. K. Mitchell.
THE Harvard Cricket Club has played seven games since its organization, winning five of them. It will play no more matches this autumn.
AFTER several statements and counter-statements, it is at last announced that the procession will take place "positively" next Monday night.
THE Glee Club has arranged to give a concert at Quincy on Thursday, November 11, and it is especially desirous that all its members should attend rehearsals.
IN his second lecture on Physiology and Hygiene, Professor James finished the subject of Touch, and began that of Sight, which will be continued next Wednesday.
THE Finance Club had a very interesting meeting Wednesday night, and it is probable that some novel steps will soon be taken by them for the advancement of the study of economic questions.
NEARLY five hundred torches were distributed by the Marshals at the Society Building on Wednesday afternoon, and more were given out yesterday. It is expected that at least six hundred students will be in the procession.
THE H. A. A. has received an invitation from the McGill Athletic Association, to take part in the latter's autumn sports next Saturday at Montreal. We learn that Mr. E. J. Wendell, '82, has entered his name in several events.
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