I. MATCH shall be decided by majority of touch-downs. A goal shall be equal to four touch-downs; but in case of a tie a goal kicked from a touch-down shall take precedence over touch-downs or a goal kicked from the field.
2. A scrimmage takes place when the holder of the ball, being in the field of play, puts it down on the ground in front of him and puts it in play (while on side) by - 1st, kicking the ball; 2nd, by snapping it back with the foot. The man who first receives the ball from the snap-back shall be called a quarter-back, and shall not then rush forward with the ball under penalty of a foul.
II.3. If the ball either fly, bound, or roll in touch from a kick-out it must be brought back; but if it touches any player it need not be brought back.
4. In case of a punt-out, the players of the side to which the ball is punted-out must be at least fifteen feet from the goal line. The opposite side may line anywhere in goal provided the punter-out has five feet clear, extending from his scratch in the direction of touch. Punter-out must not be in any way interfered with. A punt-out must be a kick from the toe.
5. If any player purposely foul an opponent or ball when such opponent is about to try for a fair catch, the opponent's side may either have the ball down where the foul was made, or take a free kick, which free kick cannot score a goal.
III.Penalty for fouls, when judged intentional by referee (except as before provided), will be a down given to the opposite side.
IV.The game shall be played by eleven men on each side.
Four colleges were represented, as follows: Columbia, Stearns, Eldridge; Princeton, Loney (Capt.), Peace; Yale, Watson (Capt.), Hill; Harvard, Manning (Capt.), Thacher.
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