THE price of membership to the Athletic Association has been raised to $3.00.
TICKETS for the tug at the Class Races are for sale at Bartlett's. Price, $I each.
AMHERST students are now required to attend nine-tenths of the college exercises.
THE number of tennis sets on Jarvis and Holmes is in the neighborhood of fifty.
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, Toronto, has begun the publication of a paper called the 'Varsity.
PRINCETON is now getting out a new edition of the Football Rules with the corrections of the convention.
WE learn from the Mercury that the Harvard Register is edited by Mr. Moses King, a Harvard graduate.
J. OTIS, '81, has been appointed head fifer, and W Chalfant, '82, drum-major, for the torchlight procession.
THE temporary election of Mr. Manning as Captain of the University Football Team has been made permanent.
THE report that Harding and Camp would play in the Yale Team this fall is untrue; Harding being no longer in college.
THERE were nearly forty applicants for the Glee Club. Three first tenors, three second tenors, three first basses, and four second basses, have been taken on provisionally.
THE Athletic Association intend to have a five-mile run on Jarvis Field this month, open to all members of the Association.
ALL the drummers in the College should offer their services for the grand procession, as it is necessary to make it a success.
THE hare-and-hounds meet for to-morrow has been indefinitely postponed, on account of the football match between the University and Freshman teams to take place at Beacon Park.
FRESHMEN should join the H. A. A. at once. The Secretary's hours are from 12 to I, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 36 Thayer.
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Special Notice.Recommended Articles
Senior Class Meeting.The senior class meeting which took place last night in Upper Massachusetts was called to order by President Trafford. The
The Procession.A preliminary meeting of the marshals elected by the three upper classes to make arrangements for the coming torchlight procession
The Procession.The college procession which is to march on Thursday night, Oct. 30th will form on North Charles street, above Cambridge
Order of March.All who intend to march in the procession tonight must be on North Charles street, Boston at 6.45. The committee
Freshmen March to Field at 3.30The Freshmen class will march to Soldiers Field today to cheer the team in its last practice in Cambridge. The