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THE Glee Club's concert in New York on the 23d of December was as much of a success as the disabilities which the Faculty have put the club under allowed. Musically their success could scarcely have been greater; and the criticisms in the New York papers especially complimented them on the careful practice and training shown in their glees, some of which were very much more difficult music than they have usually attempted. The Faculty forbade any manner of advertising of the concert, and would not even permit items to be inserted in the papers, mentioning the date of the performance. Many who would have been glad to go knew nothing of the concert until the next day, and many who did hear of it could not get tickets, or even find out where it was to be. In consequence of these unfortunate circumstances Chickering Hall was little more than half filled. The members were very handsomely entertained by the Harvard members of the University Club, at their club-house in Fifth Avenue, after the concert.
