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IN another column will be found an article on the College Fund, in which the writer attempts to show that no one should feel under any obligation to contribute to it. We agree, in general, with the arguments there advanced. It seems to us very advisable that if there is to be a subscription in each class for the benefit of the College, that there should be no obligation upon any one, either by the force of public opinion or otherwise, to contribute to it. The Advocate has urged those who have "enjoyed the bounty of scholarships" to pay off part of the obligation by contributing to the College Fund. It seems to us, however, that a man who has held a scholarship is not likely to be so well off, the moment he leaves college, that he should be asked to pay back part of what he has received. He should certainly feel, under the present system, that he is bound to pay off the obligation, some time or other, if he is ever in prosperous circumstances; but it is too much to ask him to begin to do so at once. Let every one who is able contribute to the Class Fund, and everybody who wants to, to the College Fund.
