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A SUGGESTION has been made that the college buildings should be heated by steam, in order to diminish the risk of fire, and so make it possible to insure them at less expense than can now be done, and in order to heat rooms that cannot now be heated, and the entries as well. Could steam be introduced simply for the purpose of raising the temperature in very cold rooms, or in case one's fire goes out, it would be well enough; but on grounds of health alone, not to mention the cheerfulness and comfort that an open fire affords, we should much regret to see our grates done away with. Heating the entries must not be expected, we fear, before all the buildings have fire-escapes, before there are plank walks in the Yard, and until there is some way of getting to Boston in less than half an hour. Unless open fires and stoves were entirely done away with, - which is not proposed, - it is difficult to see how the risk of fire would be materially diminished.
