MY cigarette! The amulet
That charms afar unrest and sorrow;
The magic wand that, fair beyond
To-day, can conjure up to-morrow, -
Like love's desire, thy crown of fire
So softly with the twilight blending,
And, ah! meseems, a poet's dreams
Are in thy wreaths of smoke ascending.
My cigarette! Can I forget
How Kate and I, in sunny weather,
Sat in the shade the elm-trees made,
And rolled the fragrant weed together?
I, at her side, beatified
To hold and guide her fingers willing;
She, rolling slow the paper's snow,
Putting my heart in with the filling!
My cigarette! I see her yet, -
The white smoke from her red lips curling,
Her dreaming eyes, her soft replies,
Her gentle sighs, her laughter purling!
Ah, dainty roll, whose parting soul
Ebbs out in many a snowy billow,
I too would burn if I might earn
Upon her lips so sweet a pillow!
Ah, cigarette! The gay coquette
Has long forgot the flames she lighted,
And you and I unthinking by
Alike are thrown, alike are slighted.
The darkness gathers fast without,
A rain-drop on my window plashes;
My cigarette and heart are out,
And naught is left me but their ashes!
C. F. L.
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