THERE is a patient in one of the New York hospitals who, in his delirium, continually calls out, "Next! Next!" The physicians are undecided whether he is a college professor or a barber. Ex.
THERE was a fair maiden at Vassar,
In drawing no one could surpass her;
She drew, like Lorraine,
Both a very long train,
And a check that astonished the cashier.
Yale Record.Professor in Psychology. - What is the first power developed by man?
Senior (somewhat mixed). - Well - I - well - I suppose the power to creep.
Senior sits down amid wild applause. - Ex.
Professor in English Literature. - I will now show you some exceptional feet. Mr. S., will you please come forward? - Ex.
A GOOD story has recently come to our ears of Freshman - shall we say ignorance? The scene is a bursary in one of our large colleges. Several men are transacting business with the Bursar. Enter a Freshman, cap on head: after taking a tour of inspection round the room, he in turn comes up to the Bursar's table, and in a loud voice demands "Change for a sovereign, and a shilling in 3d. bits." Curtain falls. - Oxford and Cambridge Undergraduates' Journal.
"Et catulas blande cum lingua lambere temptant - and when they try to lamb the cubs with the bland tongue - "
Prof. - How do you translate lambere?
Student hazards "chastise," and then fizzles because he is afraid that saying "lick" will betray acquaintance with the pony. - Brunonian.
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