IT may seem wholly needless to call attention to the fact that all are interested in the use of the bulletin boards, and that it is therefore undoubtedly desirable that notices should be allowed to remain where they can be easily read, so long as they are valid; but notices of importance have repeatedly been covered, of late, before the date of the occasion for which they were posted, by other notices of subsequent date. This obviously should not be. Nor, on the other hand, should notices be allowed to remain on the boards after losing validity, as is still often done.
While speaking of this, it may be worth while to remind the Secretaries of the various associations and societies, who are in the habit of posting bills and notices, that any such poster or placard put on trees in the city of Cambridge will be removed by the police. The regulation of the city which forbids the "posting of any bills or notices on any property of the city without permission from the Mayor," though an old one, has not been strictly enforced until this year.
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